What is Hell?

The image most Christians have of Hell is derived from a combination some imagery from the bible and The Divine Comedy. However, The bible never gives us a physical description of Hell but rather uses metaphor to describe Hell in terms that we can understand. It is akin to saying that God is a bearded man in the sky. This depiction of God is used by artists to portray God in a way that can be comprehended rather than an abstract idea.

        “The teaching of the Church affirms the existence of hell and its eternity. Immediately after death the souls of those who die in a state of mortal sin descend into hell, where they suffer the punishments of hell, “eternal fire.” The chief punishment of hell is eternal separation from God, in whom alone man can possess the life and happiness for which he was created and for which he longs.” (CCC 1035). Hell is not necessarily a fiery pit but rather an eternal separation from the beatific vision. 

        The fact that Hell may not literally be on fire doesn’t mean it’s not eternal suffering though. It;s just necessarily a “physical” suffering. There is something fundamentally broken in us through original sin (CCC 402). Throughout our lives we enhance this brokenness through our own personal sin. Now, Jesus gives us a choice. Accept him into our hearts and allow him to mend this thing that is broken in us or we can reject him. We can pretend we are ok when we know that we’re not. 

        At the end of lives God cares about one question. Did you choose him or did you repeat the sin of Adam and Eve choosing your own way? If we have decided not to live our life with him then God respects your decision. You won’t spend your afterlife with him.

        The true essence of Hell is just that. Complete separation from God. Now is God not present in Hell at all? Now is God present in Hell? Yes. God is present in one sense but distance in another. This will probably be something I’ll discuss in a future article. The important point is that while God may be present we are separated relationally. We can have no relationship with God from the depths of Hell because we didn’t want a relationship with him while we are on Earth.

        Whether Hell is literally a physical torment where little demons have pitchforks and torches is inconsequential. God is the source of all that is good. From him flows all goodness and perfection. In his absence goodness cannot exist. On this Earth I don’t care how bad your life gets. There is at least one thing whether you can see it or not that is objectively good. Imagine your life with every good thing stripped away. Just anything that gives you one semblance of happiness is gone. That’s what Hell is. Hell on its most fundamental level is separation from God and thus separation from all good as good cannot exist where God refuses to shine the light of the beatific vision. That is a worst suffering than I would care to imagine. To live in an existence for eternity without goodness.

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